Forum Discussion: Power struggle between good and evil- For All to Attend!Path of Righteousness Church in ChristAug 27, 2015Forum Discussion: Power struggle between good and evil Pastor Tylvia E. Koromah and the Path of Righteousness Church in Christ September 12, 2015 3-5 pm*Spirit of Prophecy* For all who wants to attend. Please spread the word! Please contact us for more information #USA #post #Love #prophecy #everyone #christianity #path #Spiritual #righteousness #wordpress #good #flyer #People #christian #forum #sabbath #spirit #sabbathkeeper #Power #God #discussion #church #time #America #Baltimore #Maryland #saturday #Jesus #evil #announcement
Forum Discussion: Power struggle between good and evil Pastor Tylvia E. Koromah and the Path of Righteousness Church in Christ September 12, 2015 3-5 pm*Spirit of Prophecy* For all who wants to attend. Please spread the word! Please contact us for more information #USA #post #Love #prophecy #everyone #christianity #path #Spiritual #righteousness #wordpress #good #flyer #People #christian #forum #sabbath #spirit #sabbathkeeper #Power #God #discussion #church #time #America #Baltimore #Maryland #saturday #Jesus #evil #announcement