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Seeking Things Above

Writer's picture: Path of Righteousness Church in ChristPath of Righteousness Church in Christ

Today we face a lot of different stresses, which cause many to be low spirited. We must keep seeking things above because our hope is of Jesus Christ. In seeking things above our spirits our lifted with our heart and mind connected to him that has the power over all things. He gives us all things. The word of God is for all. Just because you have accepted Christ does not mean than you will not be attacked by the darts of the enemy. We must remain a light to those who don't look above, but are low in spirit for positive outcomes.

All around we see, hear and may even experience that love is waxing cold. People are looking out for their own interest and deny that God in heaven is still in charge. Jesus ascended to heaven and sits at the right hand of God, with all power. He is our mediator between God and us. Set you thoughts to trust in God. Things in the earth have an ending. But in Jesus we live.

Life is hid in Christ. Faith in him is a personal journey. Seek him that keep you going. He has given us his commandments to know his will. In living as God commands, we seek him that is above all things. Looking up makes your spirit feel good. There is something about trusting in him, who gives us the answers in all things. The enemy will try to pull you into darkness. Upon the acceptance of Christ, the old man of sin is mortified and we become new creatures in his salvation. Christ is our source of light. In him, we have promise of eternal life. "For wages of death is sin, but the gift of God is eternal life."

Put away all those things that do not give us light, but led to darkness. His light is apparent in bowels of mercies, kindness, humbleness of mind, meekness, longsuffering, forbearing one another and forgiving one another. Remember these qualities of Jesus were witnessed during his time on the earth. He even expressed love for his enemy while on the cross. Looking up we will become more life him. Jesus forgives us, we must forgive one another.

Put on the bond of charity, which is love. Let the peace of God rule in your hearts. His peace will remove fear and doubt that the world gives. Looking above is to look unto Jesus Christ. Everything will work for our good. God has done everything, set all things in motions. All we have to do is accept Jesus Christ and believe. In Christ you will live again. God is just so powerful. He is all things.

 As we live for God, our eternal Father in Glory, we are crucified with Christ. We gave up the things that are against him and we cling to his saving grace which he so richly give to all who believe. "I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live, yet not I, but Christ liveth in me and the life which I now live in the flesh, I live by the faith of the Son of God, who love me, and gave himself for me."

This entire message from Minister LeQuita "Seeking Things Above" is on our Facebook page. Click follow to help us to keep telling many about the goodness of God. Contact us at

May God bless you and your families in his spirit, health, and wealth.


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