Faith living is trusting God for all things and at all times. People of God are so richly graced with the gift of longsuffering, enduring their trials because of their love and faith in the living God Almighty. Elijah was a faithful prophet who tried to persuade Israel to cease from their idol worship and return to God. He was that opposing voice against false worship. So much, that Jezebel the evil wife of Ahab the king of Israel, had threaten to end his life, just as she did other prophets. It was then that Elijah had a Gethsemane moment.
A Gethsemane moment is liken to the time that Christ was in the Garden of Gethsemane, prior to his crucifixion. Fervently, he prayed to his Father and even though his disciples were around him, he was still alone. He knew that only he could fulfill the will of his Father, but he still had a moment of human agony. Pain, suffering, and death were just a few hours away. In Christ , we see humanity seeking the deliverance from above.
Elijah hid in a cave for fear of his life. It was there that God spoke to him in a still small voice. He did not come in a big obvious way of the wind, earthquake or fire. Instead of death, which was Elijah’s thought, he was given a command to keep working for the Lord. The presence of the Lord overshadowed that difficult moment in the cave. While in his ‘all by myself moment’, he received the reassurance that God had not left him and he continued his faithful journey in the Lord. Our faith living is so similar.
In the life of our Savior and in the prophet, we can relate. There will be moments, as if you are the only one and it appears as if the enemy has the upper hand. It is then that the Holy Spirit will revive you with promises of the presence of the everlasting God.
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May God bless you and your families in his spirit, health, and wealth.