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Sermon Take Away: “Be An Honest Servant”

Writer's picture: Path of Righteousness Church in ChristPath of Righteousness Church in Christ

1 Peter 2:12-24; Philippians 2:7-11

It is a very important responsibility to be a servant. To be a servant means to serve or be under someone. When it comes to God, we are servants to him. Being his servant, aligns us to obey his commandments. Obedience is an expression of our faith and trust in the will of God. Our life is governed in response to his commandments. We present ourselves an honest servant in the way we live.

People who have not accepted the redemption of Jesus Christ, look for people of faith to fail. They wait to see us hang our righteousness on the shelf and to act contrary to the faith in which we testify. The fall of people of faith is the top priority of the enemy. He works to distract and distort us from the will of God. He gets pleasures when we isolate from other believers. This lessen the opportunity to encourage each other.

An honest servant glorifies God. We respect those of authorities because God have placed them to lead or instruct. Don’t be a servant for yourself. Instead, submit to humble yourself.

When you serve God well, he rewards you with blessings. In Christ, we learn how to love because God is love. When we show love, our light will shine and God will be glorified. Love is something that can be shared and spread.

Jesus is our example of an honest servant. In Philippians 2, Christ did not come as the Jews had expected. He did not come in royalty, proclaiming to be their king on the earth. He was born in a little poor country called Nazareth. He was a carpenter by occupation. But it is so good to know that God sees greatness in his people. Jesus was born to save the world from sins. His life as an honest servant paid for us all.

An honest servant pleases God and not man. If you suffer for righteousness sake, you do well. It molds the character of a good servant. Christ was denied by his own. He carried his heavy cross to Golgotha. Before his false accusers, he was as a sheep to be slaughtered. When Christ was reviled, he could have been very threatening, but he had no hate in him. Instead, he chose to remain the humble honest servant.

We have to follow the examples of Christ. Being an honest servant is acceptable God. From the time we wake up until the close of the day, we should make it a point to please God. May we be so blessed to hear the Lord say, “well done thou good and faithful servant”.

Listen to this entire sermon on a Christian behavior by Sister LeQuita in our Facebook Account.

May God bless us all.


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