Scripture: I Thessalonians 5:18; Luke 17:11-20
This is the time of year when families, friends, communities and churches assemble to give thanks and to share with others who are in need. A time of thanks is not regulated by the events of the world. For believers, giving thanks to God, is regulated by our hearts. We know Him who makes all this possible.
People of faith understand the importance of giving God thanks. It flows out instanteously, just as the breathe that He gives to us. When we give God thanks, it is not based on what we have or what we expect. A spirit of thanksgiving is an acknowledge of the constant presence of God. We are thankful because he is sovereign: He is the supreme ruler of this earth.
“In everything give thanks.” We give thanks in times of trouble, disappointment and despair. Expressions of thanksgiving are in times of peace, blessings, and smiles. By his Spirit we know that God is in full charge. He is unbounded, unlimited and unrestricted. “For this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.” No better place to be than in the will of God, loving the salvation of our blessed hope Christ Jesus. Thank you Jesus.
Listen to this entire message on “Give Thanks” on our Facebook page.
From the Path of Righteousness Church in Christ.