Scriptures: John 19:30; Exodus 20:1-20
Jesus Christ loved us so much that he gave his life for us. Let’s remember that his life was not taken. He freely gave his life.
This is the time of year, when Christians celebrate the death and resurrection of Christ. It is important that believers acknowledge his death and resurrection daily. It is in the salvation of Christ that we are saved. Christ as our Savior reigns in the core of our heart. Our hope, our faith, our belief are renewed everyday.
Jesus suffered much the night before his crucifixion. By the time, he was put on the cross, no doubt he was exhausted. But he was very much alert as to what was happening. Before he gave up the ghost, he said, “It is finished”. Every word of Christ has a meaning to bring us closer to God. What was finished? As we study and follow his paths which are written in the four gospels, Christ did much to help people see and understand the love of God. The spiritual leaders failed to give the people the truth. They taught by the letter of the word, not in the love of the word. The word was a burden to the people. Jesus came to lift those burden. He taught and lived in the love of God. Jesus did not discriminate. He loved all people. He took time for all that would listen to him.
He put an end to all excuses for falling short or doing contrary to God’s will. All excuses were nailed to his cross. We can’t even say that the devil made me do it. The death and resurrection of Christ has power of all things, even the works of Satan.
The ceremonial laws were nailed to the cross. They were given to govern the behaviors of the people for such a time. God had a permanent plan to save man. A plan that did not have to depend on righteousness of any man, priest or clergy. Jesus Christ is the permanent plan to save man.
The ten commandments were not nailed to the cross. All believers are joined in a spiritual kingdom, upon the acceptance of Christ as our Savior. The literal kingdom is when all believers are joined in heaven to live forever. Being in God’s kingdom, there must be some guidelines on how to live an acceptable life before God. The ten commandments are:
Moral – Each is a command to live right with God and with each other.
Spiritual – Each command is accepted and lived by faith.
Universal – Each command is for all nations of people.
Perpetual – Each command is forever. The commandments are a reflection of the character of God.
“It is finished”. Christ died once for the ungodly. He will never die again. Everyday is our time to repent and to trust in the salvation that was made on the cross.
This sermon in its entirety is available on our Facebook Page and YouTube Channel. May God bless you.
From the Path of Righteousness Church in Christ