God commanded Jonah to go to Nineveh to tell them that their wickedness had come before him. The Ninevites were enemies of Israel, whom Jonah did not were worthy of God. Instead, he chose to leave the presence of the Lord and boarded a ship that was travelling the opposite way. God caused a storm and the ship was in danger of sinking. The mariners had called on their gods but the storm continued. Jonah was found asleep at the bottom of the ship. A lot was cast and it fell on Jonah. He was tossed into the sea and the storm ceased. However, God did not suffer him to drown.
Jonah was swallowed by a big fish. It was in the dark depthness of the fish that Jonah remembered the Lord in his infliction. He cried unto the Lord for forgiveness and his prayer was heard. After three days and three nights the fish did vomit him on the dry land. Now all this was done so that Jonah would realize that he must obey the command of God. Again, God told him to go tell the people of Nineveh of their wickedness. If they repented not, the city was to be overthrown.
Jonah cried out to the people and they believed God. The king gave order for everyone, even the livestock to fast and to turn from their evil ways in hope that God would not destroyed them. The mercies of God are everlasting. When he saw that the people did repent, judgment was reversed. Only a loving and forgiving God can turn wickedness to repentance.
Jonah’s mission to preach repentance is magnified in the mission of Jesus Christ. Jonah preached repentance to a city, but Jesus is preached to the world. Death was the intended end for man because of sin. “For the wages of sin is death.” But the love of God is perpetual. He decided to give man redemption in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. It was because of him that the death judgment was reversed. “But the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” Salvation gives forgiveness to the wickedest person. Now man has the opportunity to seek the Lord, pray for forgiveness, and repent.
Christ never rejected to fulfil the will of his Father, even in his death. Jonah decided that Nineveh should die. It is not up to anyone to determine the worth of life. God the Creator is the giver of life. Truly our life is in his hand. Now he has placed our salvation in the life of Jesus Christ. Alleluia!
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May God bless you and your families in his spirit, health, and wealth.