Scriptures: Lamentation 3:22-23; John 19:29-30; Revelation 5:11-14
“It is of the Lord’s mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.” Lamentation 3:22-23
It is a great assurance to know that God knows everything. To know that everything that happens, happens for a reason. This is why we have hope in God. Hope is when you have a positive vision of what is to come and this leads to faith. Faith is when you know and believe in your heart God will make that vision come to pass.
The book of Lamentation was written by the prophet Jeremiah who had a sincere love and devotion to God and his people. He related messages from God to the people of Israel concerning many things, judgement and mercy being only a few. This verse in Lamentation explains how every day we are given new mercies from God. And what is mercy? Mercy is like a pardon. God pardons us to live through another day and to sleep through the night unharmed, despite our disobedience and sin. Mercy is not forgiveness, but it is a gift expressing God’s tolerance of what we do.
See God is a loving god. He wants to extend our lifetime as far as possible to give us opportunities to be saved or to seek forgiveness of our sins. The verse mentions how God’s compassions towards us do not fail. It is eternal, but something we should not take advantage of. God expressed his compassion for the people of Earth by giving his only begotten son Jesus Christ to die and open a door for mankind to have salvation. So when we face trials, we know who we can turn to for help, protection, healing, and deliverance.
Remember, God’s love rains on the just and the unjust. It is the sins we commit and the disobedience of his ten commandments he hates. So, please take the time to read the scriptures provided and study the Word of God. It would be wise to draw closer to God during these wicked days and thank God every day for his abundance of mercies. Open your heart today and be blessed, in the name of Jesus.
Please watch this sermon in its entirety on our Facebook Page and YouTube Channel and be blessed.
From the Path of Righteousness Church in Christ
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