Scripture: John 13:1-17
“The servant is not greater than his lord, neither he that is sent greater than he that sent him.” These were the words of Christ as he taught the disciples the position of a servant. Christ life was full of teachable and spiritual moments. He showed by example how we are servants. He gave his life for man, so that we can be saved.
The feet washing ceremonial is very important in the work of the ministry. So important, that Christ taught it to the disciples in his last few hours before he was taken prison by the Romans. Peter’s first response to Christ washing his feet was, “Thou shalt never wash my feet.” He did not understand the spiritual significance. Jesus replied , “If I wash thee not, thou hast no part with me.”
The lesson in feet washing is that we must be willing to serve others at any cost. As Christ did for them, we must be willing to do for each other. “The servant is not greater than his lord.” The feet is not the most desirable part to be touched by others. In bowing to wash each other’s feet, it demonstrates a degree of humility and a willingness to reach out to others.
Servants of Christ are obedient to God and submissive to his will. We respond by faith, rather than by reason. Many things we will not understand. Faith is activated and the Spirit will guide us. At times, we will have to give up our right for wrong. Servants of Christ are not eye servants, they don’t look for the praises of men. We serve because we keep in mind the magnitude of service that Christ did for us when he died on the cross.
We are promised blessings, if we do as Christ has spoken.
Listen to this entire educational message on “Servant” on our Facebook page.
From the Path of Righteousness Church in Christ.