Scripture: Luke 11:1; Matthew 6:9-13
Prayer is an instantaneous way to talk to God. When we pray, we acknowledge that God is above us in all things. We acknowledge our need for his attention in our lives. When we pray, we acknowledge his Supreme presence in the earth.
The disciples knew that praying was essential- how we pray, what we pray for, when we pray, where we pray. They had witnessed that John the Baptist taught his disciples how to pray. The disciples of Christ asked him to teach them how to pray. Jesus came to be an example of love and to teach the disciples the ways of God. In turn, the Apostles taught many people. What he taught is that through him, we have direct access to the Father. He taught us the disciples’ prayer.
In this very powerful prayer, we begin by giving God the glory. “Our father which art in heaven” is an expression of personal endearment. A father takes thorough care of his children. He loves, protects, provides daily provisions, and gives instructions on how to live. A father fulfills the needs that a child can not do on his own. Our heavenly father is the only one that can do all this and so much more. He sits and reigns from his throne in heaven. He is holy, mighty, and just.
In this prayer, God’s kingdom is present. Everywhere you go, have faith that his presence is with you. Because he is omnipotent, he knows what is best for all. In this prayer we request, “thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. While seeking for his will, we learn that our will must conform to his will. This is done by totally surrendering our life to him. By his grace alone do we fulfill his will. In this prayer, we pray for daily natural provisions for the body and spiritual provisions for the souls. We pray for his forgiveness and are mindful of how we forgive others. We pray that we do not succumb to temptation and are delivered from evil. He does not lead us into temptation. In the mighty hands of God, we have salvation from all manner of temptations and evils.
When we close with this prayer, our attention is still to the glory of God. Prayer is the most important faith act that we can do. It is important to always know that our Father should be honored, loved and adored. What better way to let him know that, then to trust him for everything in our lives. This prayer covers it all. Continue to give him the glory and pray Our Father who hears us.
Listen to this sermon in its entirety is available on our Facebook Page and YouTube Channel. May God bless you.
From the Path of Righteousness Church in Christ.