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Sermon Take Away: “The Controversy of Evil”

Writer's picture: Path of Righteousness Church in ChristPath of Righteousness Church in Christ

I Peter 5:8; I Corinthians 15:57

God continues to provide a sense of peace in all of the unsettled troubles that are in our communities and throughout the world. While people of faith understand that God is still in charge, the world works to solve troubles in their carnal state. But there is something far greater behind the troubles that man will not solve own his own. Since the fall of Lucifer from heaven, there has been a struggle between good and evil. Victory in Jesus Christ, reminds us that in every account Satan, the leader of the evil struggle, has been defeated.

From the very beginning, the adversary had been at war with God. There are six accounts in which the adversary was defeated. Defeated means that he lost in his every attempt to destroy the hope of man. His defeat tells us that Jesus Christ is the higher power of authority. Good will be victorious over evil.

  1. Satan was defeated in heaven. When the angel Lucifer led a rebellion against God, to take his position, he and a third of the angels were cast to the earth. He will never get to worship around the holy throne of God again.

  2. Satan was defeated in the Garden of Eden. Eve gave into the temptation of the serpent and gave Adam the fruit.  Both were found guilty of disobedience.  The adversary thought that man would be destroyed.  Instead, God cast them out of the Garden.  Each of the offenders of this act: Adam, Eve and the serpent were given a judgement.  It was prophesied that the seed of the woman(Jesus) would bruise his head(destroy) and that Satan would bruise Jesus heel(wound). The hope of man was restored in Jesus.

  3. Satan was defeated at the birth of Christ. King Herod was troubled that a king of the Jews was born. He commanded to slew every child two and under. An angel of the Lord visited Joseph in a dream to tell him to take Mary and the child to Egypt. Satan did not get to take the life of Jesus.

  4. Satan was defeated at the death of Christ. Through the work of Satan, the enemies of Christ made false accusations to have him crucified. He died and was buried. It was the will f God the Father in heaven that Christ die for the sins of the world.

  5. Satan was defeated at the resurrection of Christ. Death has no power over the will of God. Jesus had risen and was given all power in heaven, in earth and under the earth. The plan to save man was fulfilled. There is no aspect of life that Jesus does not have power.

  6. Satan was defeated at the second coming of Christ.  There remains false teachings that all will go to heaven or that Christ is not coming back.  Anything contrary to the word of God is a lie. This is why it is so important to pray for the understanding of the scriptures from Genesis to Revelation.   At the second coming of Christ, Satan will be bound(no one to tempt) and the unrighteous will die at his glorious appearance.   After the millennium, Jesus and his church of the redeem will return to the earth for the judgment of the unrighteous. Satan will be totally destroyed. Evil will never come again to heaven or to the new earth.

In day to day events, we can thank God for Jesus who has given us all things, including the victory over the adversary. In every account in which it appears, as if evil has won, never be deceived. The victory of Jesus is the will of God.

This full message from Pastor Koromah "Controversy

of Evil" is on our facebook page. Click follow to help us spread the good news about salvation in Jesus Christ. You may contact us at

May God bless you and your families in his spirit, health, and wealth.


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