How often do you think about the purpose of life? Life is more than just daily routines. At anytime, your life could be taken. No one can pray your way into heaven once you die. In life only, can you make Jesus your choice. Life is linked to an eternal life with God the Father and Jesus Christ the Savior.
We take nothing with us when we die. The only thing that God requires is our soul, which comes from him. We were made for his glory to honor, love and, worship him. To believe and accept his mercies and grace is the most important decision that we will make in our entire life.
Jesus came to enlighten the Jews on the love of God. They were so entrenched in doctrine that they neglected to understand the love of the word and what it does in the lives of true believers. They lived doing good and presenting themselves to be holy as the way to heaven. But there is only one determining factor to make it to heaven.
In the parable there was a certain rich man who did well in his life and there was a poor man who begged outside of his home. While the rich man enjoyed good meals and fine attire, he ignored the beggar. Later the poor man died and was carried in Abraham’s bosom and the rich man died and was buried. Many may suppose that the poor man made it to heaven because he had rough life and the rich man was tormented in fire because he did not share his wealth. Economic status, race or ethnicity are not factors to make it to either heaven or hell. Faith in God is how we will make it into heaven.
Those factors are important while we are living. But God looks at our faith in his promises, which is salvation in Jesus Christ. God sent his only begotten son to save man from sin. We were not worthy to approach his throne. Jesus was born to die for our sins that we may have peace with God. While living, we now have an blessed opportunity to ask for forgiveness and to call on Jesus who is our advocate with the God the Father. Life’s purpose is to accept Jesus Christ. This is the value of life.
When the rich man realized that he was eternally lost, no way to make it to heaven, he requested that Abraham visit his family to warn them of their life. But Abraham said “they have Moses and the prophets; let them hear them.” In order words, they had the written word of God. If one came from the dead, it was assumed that people would believe. Who rose from the dead and many still don’t believe? Jesus Christ the living son of God!
It is only in our life can we repent and turn our lives over to Jesus. There are teachings that souls are in purgatory for penance of their sins and then will go to heaven. If this was so, there would have been no need for Jesus to die for sin. There are no second chances in the grave. This is not a rehearsal. Your life is the only one you will have to choose the salvation that is in Jesus Christ. Satan always have a counterfeit to the truth because he will never return into the glory of God.
“If thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus and shalt believe in thine heart that God has raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.” It is only while living can you confess and believe in the Savior, Jesus Christ. People are leaving this world everyday and their eternal fate is sealed unto the day of judgment, whether they will live in Abraham’s bosom(heaven) or torment in fire(hell). When we die in Christ, we have a promised hope of eternal life because we valued life while living. Christ gave his life, to save your life.
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May God bless you and your families in his spirit, health, and wealth.
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