Scripture: I Corinthians 13; I John 4
Love is an action word. Love is something that we cannot get enough of. Jesus is the fulfillment of love. He died on the cross for our sins before we were born. Jesus was love in action.
In I Corinthians 13, the Apostle Paul expressed the importance of love among God’s people. It can’t be like the love the of the world. We must have genuine love that does not make a lot of noise. Genuine love expresses the right attitude with temperance and humility. There is nothing greater than love.
In love, we can’t wear our feelings on our sleeves. We must know when to hold our peace, and let God fight our battle. Love does not rejoice in sin, but in truth. Truth will stand. “Love bearth all things, believeth all things, hopeth alll things and endureth all things.”
God made us in his image of love. In his love, we are commanded to love our enemies, which may not be easy. In God’s love, we can do all things. We have to love to see Jesus in peace.
In love, we are careful in the words that we say. In Christ, we have to mature. The love of Christ and the love the saints will hope us to grow in Christ. If you want to win somebody to Christ, say a kind word. In love we treat others as we want to be treated, not forgetting where we came from. We were sinking deep in sin until Jesus lifted us. We need more genuine love. “We love him, because he first loved us.”
The love of God is strong and is extended to all. We must love. Jesus who is the propitiation for our sins, takes our case before God. God loves us, not the sin. Love does not always smile, sometimes corrections are required. Keep having a little talk with Jesus, to make it right.
With more love, we will be more considerate to the troubles and needs of others. It is when we love God, we will have more love for each other.
Listen to this entire message on “We Need More Love “ on our Facebook page.
From the Path of Righteousness Church in Christ.