What a privilege it is to take everything to God in prayer. Prayer is a very precious time in the life of every believer. It is faith in action to turn attention to God, the Creator of all things. His throne is approached in humility and belief that he has full authority. An effectual prayer will do some amazing things. It will get the attention of our heavenly Father .
The prophet Isaiah was given a command to tell king Hezekiah “Thus saith the Lord, set thine house in order; for thou shalt die and not live.” With no hesitation, he turned his attention to God and he prayed. In his prayer, he spoke of his devotion to him that he walked before him in truth, with a perfect heart.
Prayer will help us to maintain a dedicated loving relationship with God, “who is able to do exceedingly and abundantly above all that we ask or think”. Hezekiah was left alone to cry to the Lord. In other words he had to put everything before him. His prayer was so intense that “he wept sore”. He did as the prophet commanded, “set your house in order”. He cried to the Lord for the saving of his soul.
In an effectual, heart-stirring prayer, emotions will flare. The desires of our heart are made known to our God, “who is good, ready to forgive and plenteous in mercies unto all them that call upon him“. Our need for God is immeasurable. There is nothing that he can’t do.
Jacob was left alone to wrestle with the angel until he received his blessing. He wanted peace with his brother Esau. You will be left alone to come before God. Prayer rendered in faith and love for God, will change things in your life.
As a result of his submission to call on the Lord, fifteen years was added to king Hezekiah’s life and he was delivered from the hand of the king of Assyria. What prayer will do! The heart of man is an open book to our Maker. He knows the heart that prays to him for mercies and blessings. Prayer in faith will save your soul.
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May God bless you and your families in his spirit, health, and wealth.