Good day everyone,
I hope all is having a blessed day today. I am in the process of uploading the recordings onto our Sermons (Recordings) page. I only have a few entered and will soon finish. But here you may take a nice preview of what’s to come.
The Path of Righteousness Church in Christ believes that all should have the opportunity to hear the Word of God. It will not only save you but make you a better man and/or woman. I pray everyone will receive a blessing from the Word of God from on high, through our Pastor Tylvia E. Koromah, to his people.
God Bless and remember Jesus Loves You.
A few Sermons from our anointed Pastor Tylvia E. KoromahDateTitle of Sermon (Click title to hear)ScripturesSat. 1/05/13Pray on my ChildRomans 8:35 Luke 11:5-13Sat 1/12/13Keep our Eyes on the LordHebrews 12:1-3 John 12:31-32
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